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Major Companies Reject Planned Parenthood

Friday, July 24, 2015 @ 10:26 AM Major Companies Reject Planned Parenthood Bryan Fischer Former Staff MORE

Winnable War: Major Companies Reject Planned Parenthood

I end every program every day reminding our listeners that, with God’s help, “we are fighting a winnable war.” 

Look no further than corporate America for confirmation of that assertion. One major company after another is getting as far away as they can from Planned Parenthood and its ghoulish practice of cannibalizing unborn babies. They do not want to be associated with the Nazi-esque practices of America’s chief abortion provider and its sale of baby body parts so that its execs can drive around in Lamborghinis. 

After the Heritage Foundation listed 41 companies which were identified as Planned Parenthood supporters on the abortion provider’s website, Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox all contacted Planned Parenthood immediately and insisted that their names be removed as corporate donors. 

Coke said the company does not contribute to Planned Parenthood, nor does it offer matching employee contributions to the organization. 

Said Ford, “We are making sure that Ford Motor Company is not listed as a Planned Parenthood contributor on their website. In addition, we do not offer an employee match for charitable contributions.” 

So with Xerox. “We checked our files for the last 20 years and have no record of Xerox Corp. contributing to Planned Parenthood.” 

By the time yesterday rolled around, Planned Parenthood had not just removed these three companies from the published list. They had scrubbed the entire list. The other 38 wanted off that list of shame. 

The Daily Signal got the following responses from other companies on the now-non-existent list who until yesterday were being trumpeted as corporate sponsors of the grisly business of abortion. 

March of Dimes:To set the record straight, the March of Dimes does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. Additionally, the March of Dimes does not promote or fund abortion services, nor may foundation funds be used for directive counseling regarding abortion. Violation of this policy would be grounds for immediate cancellation of a grant or cooperative agreement.” 

Avon: Avon does not make any direct donations or grants to Planned Parenthood.” 

The American Cancer Society:The American Cancer Society does not fund grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates...The American Cancer Society does not fund—nor has it ever funded—abortion or contraceptive counseling.” 

United Way:“United Way Worldwide, the leadership and support organization for the network of local United Ways, does not provide financial support to Planned Parenthood...No United Way funds are currently used, or have ever been used to support abortion services.” 

Macy’s:“Our company makes no direct donations to Planned Parenthood.” 

ExxonMobil: “ExxonMobil funding for Planned Parenthood organizations have been made through our employee/retiree matching gift and volunteer programs... and does not reflect ExxonMobil’s philanthropic priorities or support for community causes.” 

Morgan Stanley: “The guidelines established for the firm’s philanthropic arm, The Morgan Stanley Foundation, stipulate that the foundation does not directly provide funding to organizations for programs related to reproductive issues.” 

Verizon:While we do not support Planned Parenthood as a corporation, some employees may make private donations to the organization and request matching funds through our employee matching program.” 

Now to be sure many of these corporations offer matching funds to the charity of an employee’s choice, so some matching funds have gone from corporate coffers to Planned Parenthood. And United Way affiliates all across the country are still avid supporters of Margaret Sanger’s misbegotten pro-death organization. 

But what is significant is how immediately and decisively these major corporations wanted everybody to know that the the corporation itself offers no direct support for abortion services. In other words, Planned Parenthood has now become toxic in corporate America. The new scarlet letters in the business world are “PP.” 

The pro-life community has been working ceaselessly since 1973 to make America once again a nation with a profound respect for all human life. This response to Planned Parenthood from titans of industry is evidence that we are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the American people. 

Bottom line: If even major American corporations don’t want to be seen in the same room with baby body butchers and their practice of custom slaughter, where cuts of flesh are made to order, then America is clearly becoming more pro-life by the day. And that is good news for us all , including babies not yet born.

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