The big family Bible on the coffee table or the one on the shelf in the living room - is a beautiful sight.
However, what is its purpose?
It has been said that a raggedy Bible is a sign of a life that is not raggedy. Is this true? Not always, but often it is. Wear and tear come with use.
Non-use may help you keep a Bible in good condition for a long time but keeping it in good condition and failing to read, meditate, and listen to God through His Word is a tragic mistake.
The Bible was never meant to be a souvenir. It was never intended to be a prize to be encased and admired only for its physical appearance as a book. We are supposed to put the Bible, God’s written Word, to good use. We should read and meditate on it every day.
Years ago, while working in a public school setting, I was conversing with an elementary student. We were talking about reading the Bible. I asked him, “Do you read the Bible every day?" He responded, “My Mama won’t let me touch that Bible.” That conversation took place many, many years ago yet it remains with me. The life-giving Word of God that is not supposed to be touched by a child? How sad. How tragically sad.
Parents, buy each of your children their own Bible and teach and encourage them to read it every day. A good goal to aim for is to read at least three chapters from the Bible every day.
Having each child read three chapters a day out loud to you is a very wise and blessed habit to have in your home.
Typically, that’s not too hard for any person, adult or child, that can read. Reading the Word of God daily is one of the most fruitful habits in all of life.
If your children wear them out because they read and use them so much...wonderful! When those wear out, get new ones! This may be one of the most fruitful investments of your life and in your children's lives!
So if the big family Bible on the coffee table is a souvenir, make sure everyone – every child and every adult - has their own personal Bible.
Don’t have a Bible that is off-limits and is the only one in the house. Some people store important documents in the big family Bible but that is not what the Bible was made for.
My suggestion is, get a file cabinet or a brief of some sort to put your files in. Using it to keep track of old records can potentially send the wrong message to your children about what a Bible is for!
Where is a good place to begin faithful reading of the Word? That’s a good question. I advise that you begin in Matthew and read straight through the New Testament. Make sure you read the Word of God daily.
Ten Excellent Reasons to Read God’s Word Daily:
1. It tells you how to be saved and how to grow in your faith.
2. It gives you clear guidance for life.
3. It empowers your prayers.
4. It sharpens your ability to hear the Holy Spirit more clearly.
5. It ministers to your mind, body, and spirit.
6. It helps you maintain your mental health.
7. It increases the anointing in every area of your life.
8. It increases your wisdom in every area of your life.
9. It enhances your intellect and personality.
10. It pours grace, peace, mercy, and joy into your spirit, your mind, and your life.
Today is a good day to meet the One who is the Author of the Word of God and has the answer to all of life’s questions and issues. Today is a good day to ask Christ to come into your heart and live in you.
If you wish to make this step in your life, you can do this by praying this prayer or a similar one:
“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I confess that I have sinned and I now repent of all of my sins. Forgive me for the wrong I have done. I believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sins. And I believe that three days later you rose from the dead so that I could be saved. Thank you Lord, for loving me enough to die for me. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Be the Lord and Savior of my life. Make me the person You want me to be. In the Bible, You said that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Right now Lord, I’m calling on your name. Lord, save me, and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord, for saving me. I now rejoice that I am a child of Almighty God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
If you made this very important step and prayed this prayer, praise the Lord! We would very much like to be in touch with you. Please email us and let us know that you took this step. We would like to email you some resource material that will help you to begin to grow in your new walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. My email is [email protected], or call 1–662–844–5036, ext. 381.