Taking a moment from our busy lives to reflect on Jesus can be challenging. The instant we try to focus on Jesus, life’s demands begin competing for our attention, vying for our mental energy and time. Unless Jesus is firmly enthroned in our hearts, these distractions often prevail, pulling us away from contemplating our Savior.
I recognize there are times when urgent matters require our full attention. We can’t maintain a constant state of mindfulness, as life’s responsibilities and emergencies sometimes demand our immediate focus. However, we can certainly influence what takes precedence in our thoughts during the quieter moments of our days. By consciously directing our minds towards Jesus, we can cultivate a habit of reflection and worship.
Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious (1 Peter 2:7, NKJV).
The word “precious” carries significant weight here. It’s not the casual endearment we might use for a baby or a puppy. When something is truly precious to a person, it’s cherished and handled with the utmost care. It becomes a priority, occupying a place of honor in one’s life and thoughts. As Peter states, believers hold Jesus in the highest esteem. Christians give Jesus the most prominent position in their affections, valuing Him above all else. Their walk with the Lord is close, intimate, and deeply personal because they cherish Him. The more we, as believers, treasure Him above all else, the more His glory will be reflected in our lives, shining through our words, actions, and attitudes.
Let’s examine four reasons why Jesus is precious to the believer.
Jesus saved the believer
There was a time when the relationship between Jesus and the believer was not one of mutual love. The believer was dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1), spiritually lifeless and separated from God. Sin was the atmosphere in which they lived, deceiving them and separating them from the loving God who would save them from death. It clouded their judgment, distorted their perceptions, and led them further from the truth. As an unrepentant sinner, the only thing they could expect from God was judgment, facing the consequences of their rebellion against a holy God.
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
This verse reveals the incredible depth of God’s love and the extent to which He went to save us. After salvation, instead of an infinite gap and hostility between the sinner and God, there is intimacy. The barrier of sin has been torn down, and a bridge of reconciliation has been built through Christ’s sacrifice. Looking to Jesus, the believer sees a loving God, a Man who identifies with and can sympathize with their trials and temptations, and a Brother who welcomes them into the family. Jesus is precious because He saves.
Jesus sustains the believer
Outside of Jesus, the believer owed God an infinite debt but only had a pile of filthy rags to pay it (Isaiah 64:6). Their attempts at righteousness were inadequate and tainted by sin. Now, a Redeemer has stepped forward. Jesus has paid, once and for all, the debt of sin that was charged against us. His perfect sacrifice on the cross satisfied the demands of justice and opened the way for forgiveness and reconciliation. The believer stumbles and falls into sin repeatedly, but Jesus represents them before God’s judgment (1 John 2:1), acting as their advocate and mediator.
Jesus paid the debt, rendering it void. But He doesn’t leave the Christians where they stumbled. The same Jesus who died on the cross also carries His joint heir on the path of righteousness, repeatedly leading the believer to repentance (Jude 24). He provides the strength, guidance, and grace needed to persevere in faith and grow in holiness. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, Jesus continually works in the lives of believers, transforming them more and more into His image. Jesus is precious because He sustains.
Jesus loves the believer
Before salvation, the believer was a slave to sin (Romans 6:17). Sin was the master and never did anything good for them, never loved, never satisfied, and never cared. It was like trying to quench a burning thirst with a glass of dry sand, leaving them empty and desperate for true fulfillment. But when Jesus conquered the believer’s heart, they began serving a loving master. His love broke the chains of sin and set them free to experience a relationship with God.
Now, the believer looks around and finds, along with countless gifts of grace and mercy, the knowledge that they are loved. This love is not based on their performance or worthiness but on God’s character and Christ’s finished work. Whereas before their old master used and abused them, their new master, Jesus, took on their burdens and loved them with everlasting, undying, and unmatched love. This love transforms the believer’s heart, enabling them to love God and others. Jesus is precious because He loves.
Jesus prepares a place for the believer
As an unrepentant sinner, the believer had no expectation or hope of eternal happiness. There was only the dark uncertainty of death and the mystery beyond, a future shrouded in fear and doubt. The prospect of facing death offered no comfort or peace.
But when Jesus entered and cleared the doubt and confusion, He promised a great inheritance after death. Instead of fearing uncertainty and wrath, the believer looks forward to Jesus’ return (Titus 2:11-14) and the promise of a dwelling place in God’s presence that will never pass away (John 14:1-4; Revelation 21:3). This hope of eternal life with Christ provides comfort in times of suffering, motivation for holy living, and a joyful anticipation of the future.
Many struggle with doubt about their salvation, questioning whether they truly belong to Christ. A good self-examination would be to consider these truths and see if they resonate within our hearts. Is Jesus precious to us? Because of who He is and what He has done, are we moved to love Him? Do we find ourselves drawn to Him, desiring to know Him more deeply and follow Him more closely?
Jesus deserves the adoration of every human heart. He is worthy of our love, praise, and all we have. When we truly grasp how precious Jesus is, it transforms our lives from the inside out. We begin to see the world differently, viewing circumstances and relationships through God’s love and purposes. Our priorities may shift, and we might find ourselves drawn more to Scripture, prayer, and serving others as we seek to align our lives with Christ’s will. Even in difficult times, we may experience a more profound sense of peace and joy, anchored in the unchanging love and faithfulness of our precious Savior.