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Watch Out for a Different Gospel

Thursday, June 13, 2024 @ 08:02 AM Watch Out for a Different Gospel Randall Murphree The Stand (Print) Editor Emeritus MORE

I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel (Galatians 1:6). 

“Why does AFA care about only that issue!?” my friend demanded. “What about adultery? What about pornography? It’s always about LGBTQ!”

He was certain he had a lead on an incredible ministry for me to write about in AFA’s The Stand magazine. I confess I was a bit taken aback by his question, and I realized I didn’t have a ready, coherent response. But I resolved to answer ASAP.

That “different gospel” Paul warned the Galatians about came to mind right away, and I knew that was the foundation for measuring the LGBTQ agenda’s impact on the culture and the church today. First, let me back up and give a bit of context that led my friend to his question, then give you my “final answer.”

A little rebuke

Here’s a paraphrase of our exchange:

Him: Hey, I’ve got a great story for you. It’s a creative ministry to the down-and-out, something like I’ve never heard of before. I know you’ll want to write about it!

Me: Oh, really? Great. You know I’m always looking for new stories for The Stand.

Him: You’re gonna love it. It’s unique – urban setting, serves the needy in a very unusual way, preparing them for safe living and gainful employment! It’s fantastic!

Me: Hope you’re right. Sounds promising, but of course, AFA will have to check it out, you know, vet the ministry and others affiliated with it, especially regarding the fact that so many churches have become gay-affirming.

Him: Why does AFA care about only that issue!? What about adultery? What about pornography? It’s always about LGBTQ! Would you also ask if the church is gossip-affirming or adultery-affirming?”

Me: Well … you know, uh … a lot of churches are caving in to the gay activist demands, claiming it’s a legitimate lifestyle, it’s OK with the gospel. And they’re ordaining gay and lesbian pastors.

That ended the back-and-forth for the time being. But our brief dialogue prompted me to get to work on an articulate response to his pointed question. Why does the LGBTQ issue earn so much focus in the Christian media?

At The Stand offices, we are excited to learn of unique ministries and unique people and the opportunity to tell their stories. Still, we have to confirm the integrity of any group that claims to be Christ-centered, to confirm that it operates by expressing the whole gospel, both grace and truth – not only grace and joy and peace and love.

A little research

I began my research on the ministry website. The most telling thing was that I didn’t find the name of Jesus anywhere. God, yes. Jesus, no. And no hint of repentance or redemption by His blood. If not a different gospel, at best it proclaims an incomplete gospel.

Next, I spent even more time on the website of a mainstream Protestant church, one of the ministry’s “partners” (so identified by the ministry). Sadly, that partner church is blatantly preaching a different gospel than the gospel of Jesus Christ.

That exercise validates why we are so cautious before we endorse or give positive press to any group or individual who proclaims to be a legitimate representative of Christ.

On its website and its Facebook page, the church clearly cites beliefs that refute biblical truth:

  • The mission statement on its website says it shares God’s love and grace, and it promotes peace and justice. There’s no mention of sin, personal repentance, forgiveness, or personal redemption.

  • Its members participate in the city’s annual gay PRIDE parade.

  • It displays the gay flag at its building.

  • It teaches its children that an LGBTQ lifestyle is moral.

  • It honors its LGBTQ elders and staff members.

A little resolution

So I resumed the dialogue with my friend.

First, I explained that at AFA, it is not always about LGBTQ. For example, more than 35 years ago AFA began campaigning against pornography and its devastating impact on individual lives, families, and the culture. For decades we’ve been a frontline advocate for life in the face of abortion activists and laws. In more recent years, human trafficking has become one of our major targets.

And if we learn of a church that has officially affirmed the “morality” of adultery, we will be among the first to expose it. The same with gossip. The difference in those sins and the LGBTQ sin is that the former two have no affirmation by any church I’m aware of.

However, the LGBTQ army and its allies in the media and government are highly organized in their war to blot out biblical principles and seduce local churches and denominations into promoting an unbiblical lifestyle.

AFA is confident in our call to educate and motivate Christian citizens to become active in transforming the culture. That often means exposing evil and pressing for legal and civic action against its growing influence in culture. And that may mean telling the hard and ugly truth.

But we reach beyond that to commend the whole gospel – truth, yes – and grace! Through our 180 American Family Radio stations, 24/7 we feature the teaching and preaching of many, many well respected men and women who hammer down on “repent and be saved” – David Jeremiah, Robert Jeffress, and Tony Evans to name a few.

On AFA’s The Stand website, frequent blogs focus on the gospel. And in The Stand, magazine, every issue carries a prominent feature on seeking new life in Christ.

Fortunately, my friend had done his own research. I think he was stunned, but he did acknowledge a lesson learned: Do more research before endorsing a ministry; the same applies to a person (preacher, author, professor, etc.). Dig into it. Ask questions. Be careful and prayerful.

In its typical style, the Amplified Bible echoes Paul’s caution in Galatians 1:6 with a bit stronger wording than most versions:

I am astonished and extremely irritated that you are so quickly shifting your allegiance and deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different [even contrary] gospel.

Bottom line: Watch out for the different gospel.

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