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Living With a Victorious Worldview

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 @ 12:42 PM Living With a Victorious Worldview Jordan Chamblee Stand Writer MORE

As I’m writing this, spring is unfolding outside. Winter’s power has finally faded, and even though the air is still sometimes cold, new life is turning the world from gray to green. Just as the earth is bursting forth with new growth and vibrancy, Christ's resurrection ushered in hope for all who put their faith in Him.

As Christians, we should actively try to cultivate a victorious worldview – a perspective that recognizes the reality of Christ's triumph over sin, death, and the powers of darkness. In John 16:33, Jesus declares, "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Do we believe Him, that He has indeed overcome the world? Does this have any real, tangible bearing on our lives, living in this now-overcome world?

It's a sobering question because far too often, our actions and attitudes reflect a mindset of defeat rather than victory. We allow the troubles and hardships of this life to weigh us down, forgetting that our Savior has already experienced the sorrows and pain of human life, took them with Him to the tomb, and left them behind when He defeated death. Because we have put our faith in Him, we have been baptized into His life, death, and resurrection.

To live with a victorious worldview, we must first acknowledge the reality of Christ's victory. This wasn't a symbolic or metaphorical conquest – it was a decisive, once-and-for-all triumph over the powers of darkness. When Jesus rose from the grave, He proved His authority over the very things that once held us captive. His victory was a complete, no-quarter rout of the enemy.

As we embrace the hope that comes from Christ's triumph, we should no longer be slaves to fear, doubt, or despair. This victorious perspective should embolden us to face challenges with courage, extend grace and forgiveness, and live with an eternal mindset.

Christ's Victory and Family Relationships

One area where Christ's victory should have a profound impact is in our family relationships. Too often, marriages are strained by conflict, resentment, and a lack of grace. However, when we approach our marriages through the lens of Christ's victory, we find the strength to extend forgiveness and grace, even in the face of deep hurts or disagreements. While we still must wrestle with the challenge of being two fallen humans joined together in marriage, we can be strengthened in the knowledge that no matter what darkness we face, Jesus has faced it first and overcame it.

Strained relationships with other family members can also be transformed by the power of Christ's victory. Instead of harboring bitterness or holding grudges, we can extend grace and understanding, recognizing that we have all been recipients of God's unmerited favor. Christ's victory empowers us to pursue reconciliation and love, even in the most difficult family dynamics.

For parents, Christ's victory provides a model for instilling our children with a victorious perspective. Our children can see us handle the heartbreaks, tragedies, and fears of life as if they are indeed already defeated by Jesus. They can understand that our sins, although real and requiring repentance, are no match for the cross and the empty tomb. When they see us serving an all-powerful, all-conquering Savior, they will be strengthened in their own faith.

Christ's Victory and Personal Struggles

Christ's victory offers hope and strength in our daily struggles. We all face temptations and battles with sin, but through the power of Christ's victory, we can overcome these temptations. Rather than succumbing to despair or hopelessness, we can cling to the truth that sin's power has been broken, and we can find freedom through the finished work of Jesus.

Even when we feel inadequate, overwhelmed, or unsure of ourselves, Christ's victory provides a firm foundation for our confidence – not in ourselves, but in Him. We are not defined by our weaknesses or failures or sin but by the triumph of our Savior and the righteousness that has been attributed to us from Him. In Him, we find strength to face our inadequacies head-on, and to live with hope and purpose, knowing that our value and identity are secure in Christ.

Christ's Victory and the Reality of Death

Perhaps the most significant implication of Christ's victory is the way it transforms our perspective on death. The apostle Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 15 that the resurrection of Christ is central to the Christian faith – without it, our faith is futile, and we are still trapped in our sins. But because Christ has conquered death and risen from the grave, we have the assurance of eternal life and the promise of our own resurrection.

We no longer have to live in fear of death or view it as the end of our existence. Death has been stripped of its finality for those who are in Christ. While we may still experience grief and sorrow when loved ones pass away, we can also rejoice in the knowledge that death is not the end for those who have placed their faith in the resurrected Savior.

Living with an eternal perspective, we can face mortality with courage and purpose, recognizing that our lives on this side of death are but a temporary sojourn before we enter into the fullness of eternity with Christ. This allows us to make the most of the time we have, investing in what truly matters and leaving a lasting legacy that points others to the hope we have in Christ.

The transformative power of Christ's victory cannot be overstated. It is a reality that should shape every aspect of our lives as believers. When we embrace the truth that Jesus has overcome the world, it infuses our lives with hope, courage, and an unshakable confidence in the ultimate triumph of God's purposes.

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