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God Keeps Doing It!

Monday, March 04, 2024 @ 09:52 AM God Keeps Doing It! Lauren Bragg Stand Writer MORE

"It's happening again! FSU Baptisms! Hundreds maybe a thousand students came forward to trust Jesus. We can't explain what's happening apart from the Spirit," New York Times bestselling author and Gather25 founder, Jennie Allen, celebrated in an Instagram post earlier this month.

In the photo, a young woman cheers with one arm around another who has just been baptized in Florida State University’s (FSU) Westcott Fountain surrounded by fellow FSU students, some of whom even appear to be on each other’s shoulders to get a better view.

In a separate post, Allen shared a video that shows hundreds of students gathering around the fountain worshiping 2 Samuel 6:22 style, with the caption:

“God keeps doing it!! They confessed their sin. They came forward in droves tonight to trust Jesus. We baptized hundreds in a fountain usually used for partying and worse. And it's all just the beginning. It literally is everywhere I go right now. Revival is here. And there is no explaining it - when it's God! #FSU #baptisms.”

"4,500 Florida State University (one of the biggest party schools in the nation) students confessed struggles and sin tonight. Hundreds came forward to trust Christ. And this is them singing and dancing as they head to spontaneous baptisms.”

According to multiple online sources, FSU has been named the #2 party college in the nation and the first in the state of Florida. This revival is nothing short of a miracle in motion.

The spontaneous worship and baptisms broke out in response to an event on campus called Unite. It is the same event that was birthed and held last February at Auburn University where over 200 students responded in surrender to the gospel and made their public declaration of faith.

An Instagram user commented on Allen’s video posing the question,

“What sort of follow ups are being offered to help these students continue their battles and grow in their relationships? Have the local churches agreed to step in and do some of that partnership and discipleship?”

To which an FSU student excitedly replied,

“Hello! I was one of the students there last night! One thing I thought was BEAUTIFUL about Unite was the emphasis on FINDING A CHURCH HOME! They had tables outside with college groups from many local churches and asked everyone to fill out information to get connected! We want these souls on fire to get plugged in.”

Another platform user gushed, “My daughter is there! She says it's been incredible. They are hungry. And not in just a swept up in the moment way.”

Unite was dreamt up by Alabama native, Tonya Prewett, and features worship led by Passion Music as well as keynote speakers such as Allen, and JP Pokluda of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas alongside others. Prewett told The Stand,

“God gave me this vision for a gathering of college students after mentoring girls who were battling unimaginable pain and anxiety. It began with prayer. And God is exceeding all expectations as He continues to move on college campuses across the nation.

“We started with Auburn and then FSU. We will be going to Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee the next three months! It is so powerful! All glory to God!”

After the eruption on FSU’s campus made its way around the internet, Prewett and Unite were contacted by over 20 universities and colleges around the country asking them to bring the gathering to their school.

Please join us as we lift up the Unite movement as they travel to raise up mighty men and women of the next generation and make His name famous!

Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice ...” (Psalms 105:1-4)

… I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this … (2 Samuel 6:21-22)

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