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God Is So Good!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 @ 08:57 AM God Is So Good! Don Wildmon Founder MORE

APRIL 1998 – I want to take this space this month to share with you about the goodness of God. In Psalm 100 we read: “For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures for all generations.” I want to verify that statement. And I know that you could also verify the goodness of God.

I was born into a Christian home to two godly parents. Sometime in my youth, I don’t remember when because I was constantly in a Christian home environment, I made a decision that God was my God. As I grew older I became more aware of God’s presence and began studying about the meaning of life. God made more sense to me than anything else. I discovered that God was at the center of life, and that apart from Him nothing in life made sense. My decision to follow Christ was as much practical as it was spiritual. God put a purpose in life, and gave meaning to life.

God blessed me with a Godly wife, four children who all love the Lord and their fellow man, and thus far five grandchildren. In the early years of my adult life, I served as a pastor to several churches. I was enriched by many individuals in those churches, and I hope I added something to their Christian lives.

When I began AFA I had no idea of what I was getting into, how long I would be doing it, or the price I would have to pay. During those first ten years, I nearly lost my religion because of the reaction I received – not from the pornographers, TV officials, or other purveyors of filth, but from other Christians, especially ministers, who wrote me about the love of God while their letters oozed with hate for me.

Nevertheless, believing that this ministry was what God had called me to do, and remembering the cross and crucifixion, I stayed with it. In the early years, I told God many times that I was ready to leave, to move to the backside of nowhere, and find me a small church to serve. But He wouldn’t let me go.

Another thing I did in the early years – and continue to do – is to be the best steward of the money AFA supporters give that I could possibly be. I spend less than 1% of my time raising money. I thank God for our supporters who make this possible. I want to be in the middle of the battle. I don’t want to spend my time raising funds for the ministry.

God has given me good people to work with, and good people like you to work for. Sure there have been low points, discouraging times, and some mighty big mountains to climb. But the high points have far outweighed the low. Indeed, the low points have made me appreciate the high points even more.

AFA has worked on solid business principles undergirded with a firm belief in the goodness of God. AFA belongs to God. Should He desire to cut the funding necessary to do the job, that will be a sign to me that it is time to move on and do other things. Thus far He has blessed us. If it be His will to continue to do so, I give Him thanks. Should He decide otherwise, I will still praise Him for the opportunity to labor in His vineyard.

Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” If ever there was truth, that is it. He has made it possible for us to have the abundant life.

I know that each of you could echo what I have said. For God has been good to you also, and I’m sure that your life’s experiences have somewhat paralleled mine.

I think it was Jerry Clower who had a saying: “Ain’t God good!” Yes, He is. And He has been so good to me.

I have wanted to say this to you for some time, but the immediate issues just seemed to keep popping up. I’m sure they will continue to do so in the future.

With two heart attacks and my main artery completely blocked, I decided that I had better say it now. We don’t know what the future holds. I love you and appreciate you and thank God for you.

“For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures for all generations.” So said David, so say I, and so say you!

Thank you, God, for being so good to your children.

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