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Trust His Timing

Wednesday, August 09, 2023 @ 01:31 PM Trust His Timing Hannah Meador Associate Digital Media Editor MORE

If you’ve ever been in a Sunday School class, there’s no doubt you’ve heard about a man named Joseph who had a coat of many colors. He had 12 brothers and was well loved by his father, Jacob, who gifted him the famous coat. One day, his brothers decided that they were done being second best, and they plotted to get rid of him. So, they sold him into slavery and told their father that he was murdered.

And that’s just Scene One!

The story of Joseph is long and winding. The Bible tells us that he was tricked, trapped, and imprisoned. Then, he was promoted within Pharaoh's ranks. In fact, he became the governor in charge of selling grain to the entire land of Egypt (Genesis 42:6).

When famine and drought struck the land, individuals from across the nation traveled to receive food – including those awful brothers of his. However, when they arrived at Joseph’s door, they did not recognize him.

But Joseph knew exactly who they were.

By worldly standards, Joseph could have sent them away. Or, at the very least, revealed his identity and made them beg for forgiveness. But that isn’t how the story played out. Instead, he took care of them. And after playing a few tricks on them, he finally revealed himself. He said,

I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life (Genesis 42:4b-5).

He didn’t arrogantly wag his finger in their faces and tell them how terrible they were. From where Joseph sat, he saw how the Lord had used his brothers’ evil schemes to save the lives of thousands.

Excuse me, what?

If there were ever a person who could harbor bitterness, it would be Joseph. He had been sold into slavery, tricked by Potiphar’s wife, and imprisoned for something he didn’t do. But rather than looking at how poor and pitiful he was, he chose to see how God used those inconveniences to save thousands … including who wronged him.

In today’s dog-eat-dog world, it’s hard to imagine that level of forgiveness or acceptance.  But it got me thinking, how has the Lord used those with intentions to hurt me to fulfill His plan for my life? Am I the person He wants me to be because of them? Have they caused me to walk a more God-honoring path?

They sure made me pray and read my Bible more. They also unknowingly helped me better appreciate the ones one who care most about me.

While in Egypt, I imagine that Joseph thought of his brothers. Surely, he knew at least one of the 12 were living, but he didn’t opt to go out and set the record straight. No, he stayed right where God had planted him and served Him. When his brothers came back into his life, he tested them multiple times to see their character. Then, he welcomed them back and (with the help of his boss, Pharaoh) gave them the best the nation had to offer.

Sometimes, we need to be more like Joseph.

In our daily life, we can easily run across individuals who have one goal: Destroying our family’s peace.

They want nothing more than to sell us out, trick, lie, steal, and hurt the ones we love. Scripture teaches us that we are to always act as Jesus would. That means, even when it hurts, we are to be holy, kind, and prayerful amid these situations.

No matter how hard we’d like reconciliation to happen on our time and turf, sometimes we have to wait on His impeccable timing. And at times, the best thing we can do is step away and fix our gaze on the tasks He has ordained.

But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Thus, he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. (Genesis 50:19-21)

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