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Heart-Cry Event Will Help Leaders Prepare for Revival

Friday, March 17, 2023 @ 07:28 AM Heart-Cry Event Will Help Leaders Prepare for Revival Randall Murphree The Stand (Print) Editor Emeritus MORE

Hope and prayer for a national spiritual awakening will be the focus of the Heart-Cry for Revival Conference March 20-22 at First Baptist Church of Forney, Texas, a Dallas suburb. The major focus will be in-depth learning in the ways of God for revival.

“This event intends to ignite hearts, equip Christian leaders, and commission a generation passionate for revival,” observed Buddy Smith, AFA senior vice president. “And Heart-Cry has some heavy hitters lined up to lead this strategic campaign.”

The Heart-Cry initiative emerged from a 1998 gathering of Byron Paulus, president of Life Action Ministries (, and other Christian leaders who shared a desire to inspire and challenge pastors and other leaders with a vision for revival in America.

“Revival spreads best through those who experience it,” Paulus told The Stand in an earlier interview. “What better people to experience it in fresh ways … than the leaders of our land? If God ignited a flame of revival in our hearts, it will automatically spread to those with whom we have influence.”

Many Heart-Cry conferences have convened through the years, and evangelist Sammy Tippit is among the repeat presenters who will bring a fresh challenge to attendees.

“Revival has always descended on the wings of a small band of men and women whose hearts cried out for God’s intervention,” Tippit once said. “My prayer is that this conference will deepen and broaden our cry for a move of God in America.”

Sammy Tippit Ministries ( has always focused on evangelism, and in recent years has achieved a global footprint. Using today’s latest media resources, Tippit’s preaching and teaching are bearing fruit in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

Another headliner will be Kathy Branzell, president of National Day of Prayer. In a May 2022 conversation with The Stand, Branzell noted that there is power in Christians gathering together to pray for specific needs in the nation.

“[W]e are seeing such a huge increase in people calling our office, emailing us, texting us, asking us to pray not for them,” Branzell said, “but to teach them how to pray.”

“AFA is honored to be commending this conference and praying for its impact,” said AFA president Tim Wildmon.

Revive us again / fill each heart with Thy love.

May each soul be rekindled / with fire from above.

William P. Mackay (1838-1885)

Statement of the vision

We are in desperate need of a nationwide revival and spiritual awakening. Almost every spiritual leader agrees. But, when it comes, will we know what to do? How can we prepare for and cooperate with God in a genuine spiritual awakening?

In each generation, God is calling to Himself men and women who are desperate for His presence and power. Their passionate desire is for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be accomplished.

Over the past 20 years, the Heart-Cry for Revival Conference has connected these ministry leaders with high-caliber teaching and equipping from experts in the field of personal and corporate revival.

Strength of the content

▶ Deep, biblical teaching

▶ A next-gen/campus leaders’ luncheon
with speaker

▶ Worship led by Life Action team

▶ A strong emphasis on prayer

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