![The Lord Has Come](/media/roujph13/prisonbible.jpg?cc=0,0.030472555538401922,0,0.031435860456434823&width=800&height=500&v=1d90f07b6b95fd0)
Our mighty God continues to radically transform lives, delivering souls from the dominion of darkness into His kingdom of light. A recent story reminded me of this marvelous truth. My friend Ron Brandon told of an inmate he met recently at Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman.
For three days in November, Ron and several others ministered at the facility, representing Kairos Prison Ministry International. They helped build relationships with the incarcerated, as they pointed the men to the hope found in Jesus Christ. They were there to help develop a Christian community within the prison walls.
‘Share and prayer’ is an important part of the Kairos activities. The team introduces the men to the idea of praying out loud for one another. As inmates, many of these men wear a tough-guy mask, so it’s not always easy for them to voice a prayer or to be transparent about their needs.
The Kairos leader at each table has a small wooden cross. He begins with a simple prayer of thanks. The cross is then passed around the table giving each man an opportunity to pray aloud.
There was a man at Ron’s table who had been incarcerated for many years. Ron said he watched God gently change the man’s heart. “He’s a huge man. I told him to hold up his hand. I put my hand inside his hand. I was like a little three-year-old with my hand inside this man’s hand. ... [During] all our talks we were giving, he was just so attentive - listening and asking questions. You could just sense his heart [melting], you know.”
Ron described the transformation he witnessed at his table that day,
“And so, as the cross went around the table, it came to him, and when that cross hit his hand, that man broke down. The tears began to stream down his face. And he just cried out, ‘Jesus, save me.’ There’s no prompting. There’s no ‘Say this prayer after me.’ There’s no ‘Don’t you really want to know Jesus?’ It’s just the Holy Spirit moving in the man’s heart and just breaking down. He was a new creature. … I was crying; our table was crying. It was just a wonderful, wonderful experience.”
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:13-14).
Brother and sisters, be encouraged. The Lord has come, and He is radically changing lives in prisons and countless other points around the globe. Hearts of stone are made into hearts of flesh. Prodigals are coming home.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in darkness, on them has light shone (Isaiah 9:2).
Rejoice as you consider the reality that through the ages – even today – the Lord is rescuing souls from the dark.
But what about that relative or friend that you’ve prayed for countless times? What about your loved one? If that’s the question that comes to your mind, may I offer three simple suggestions as someone who can relate to how you feel?
Keep praying. Don’t stop praying for your lost loved one. There’s a temptation to throw in the towel when you’ve pleaded for his or her soul for so long. Please don’t even consider that. God is a mighty God, and He can rescue the most wicked, hard-hearted person. Will He rescue your loved one? I don’t know, but I know that as long as the lost are breathing, there is hope. Don’t stop praying. Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear (Isaiah 59:1).
Keep shining. Seize the opportunities to be light in your loved one’s life. And don’t underestimate how God may be using your Christ-like example, as imperfect as it may be. When I was lost, my Christian coworkers served as constant reminders of my need for Jesus. I saw the difference that the Lord had made in their lives.
Keep running. Run often to God for that strength that only comes from Him. Waiting on the Lord is difficult; you need His strength.
Joseph Parker, the host of the Hour of Intercession, visited with Ron about the Kairos trip to the Mississippi State Penitentiary. You can listen to that podcast HERE.
For more information about Kairos Prison Ministry International, click HERE.