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Monday, April 18, 2022 @ 01:42 PM Wonder-Filled Rick Robertson Audio Producer MORE

Hundreds gathered at historic Symphony Hall in Boston one Sunday afternoon a couple of years ago. They came to hear some of the finest musicians in the nation.  

Something happened that afternoon that many in attendance will likely never forget. It wasn’t the thundering presentation of classical favorites, as spectacular as that might have been. But it was a quiet moment at the conclusion of the performance of Mozart’s “Masonic Funeral Music.”

Nine-year-old Ronan Mattin was at the concert that day with his grandfather, Stephen Mattin. Ronan is autistic and considered non-verbal.

As the piece from Mozart finished and just before the applause started, the concert hall was suddenly filled with Ronan’s one-word exclamation, “Wow!” The audience responded with restrained laughter and then applause.

That day, young Ronan sat before a collection of musicians and something special took place: the music of Mozart spoke to his heart. His response was a sense of wonder that he couldn’t keep to himself.

You and I, in the quiet of the morning or late at night when the house is peaceful, have an opportunity for an infinitely greater wonder-filled moment. We sit, not before a collection of musicians, but before a collection of sacred truths, and, with the Holy Spirit’s assistance, something special happens. God Himself speaks to us. God – the Most High God – speaks to empty nothings like us.

But I am poor and needy;
Yet the Lord thinks upon me.
You are my help and my deliverer;
Do not delay, O my God (Psalm 40:17 NKJV, emphasis mine).

Pause and reflect on the heart-renewing truth that the one true God turns His thoughts your way. The Lord thinks upon me. Does that not thrill your soul? And this sovereign Ruler of the universe wants to talk to you. This God:

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand, it is to make great and to give strength to all. (1 Chronicles 29:11-12).

This God of greatness and power and glory, this never-lost-a-battle, wonderfully majestic possessor of heaven and earth chooses to speak with you. Let that sink in for a moment. God wants to talk to you. The dead idol made with hands is silent. The living God speaks, and what He has to say is meant to fall on your ears. It causes you to tremble a bit, doesn’t it?

What an extraordinary privilege that you and I have. It’s a sacred honor known only to those who are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. We are allowed to sit before our dear Master with an open Bible, and He speaks to us.     

Speak, for Your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:10, NASB).

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