![The Insane Culture against Life](/media/390705/08_19-jparker-value-of-life-gettyimages-82214621.jpg?width=800&height=500&v=1d8702725d74510)
So many people in the world we live in appear to have gone crazy.
We have seen the tragedies of mass shootings in churches, stores, schools, workplaces, night clubs, and too many places. Each time is a shock when they appear in the news.
What are the causes behind these tragedies? Why do we have so many people who are choosing to murder others? Where does this kind of thinking come from? What is in the hearts of those who choose to take the lives of others including some they don’t even know?
A very important part of the answer can be found as we ask ourselves this question: What values and ideas about life are we teaching people as a whole and to our children? What messages does our culture consistently teach us about life and the value of life?
Our perspectives, thinking, and views and should come from the powerful Word of God.
God’s Word clearly tells us “You shall not murder” Exodus 20:13. Each of the Ten Commandments shares wisdom to help us in every area of our lives. God’s Word also says “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Mourning or Celebrating?
God is the giver of life. And it should not be that anyone should ever think he or she can deliberately murder another human being at will. We cannot create life from clay. Why should we think that it’s ok to take it?
One kind of murder is mourned and viewed as a tragedy. Another kind, abortion, is promoted, encouraged, and celebrated by many. Again why?
Is there any connection between mass shootings and abortion? Actually, there is – very much so. The spirit of death and darkness is behind both of them. Satan relishes and promotes death and murder on every front where he can.
The culture teaches lessons which devalue life, so it should be no surprise those who truly take to the lesson, whether from video games, movies, media contagions. Look at the lessons we are hearing the dark values being taught.
For instance when my wife was ministering to a group of young children, and she asked them what they were thankful for. As they responded, some said the expected things. “I’m thankful for my family,” “I’m thankful for my Mom,” or “I’m thankful for my home.”
However, two little boys, both younger than seven years of age, each said: “I’m thankful my Mama didn’t abort me.” Sadly, they both knew what abortion is and were grateful they were not victims. And they were probably aware that perhaps a brother or sister or cousin or friend was not here because of abortion.
So, the question needs to be asked ‘What kind of world have we made for our children?’ and ‘What messages are they receiving from adults?” One message is adults keep some children and adults kill some children.
Mother Theresa, in an excerpt from her speech at the 1994 Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. said the following:
". . .But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"
Those boy’s gratefulness might be considered the voice of millions never given a chance. We are told in Proverbs 31:8-9, “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
The Church’s Choice
We, the church of Jesus Christ, need to pray very deliberately and passionately for the healing of our land. We also should pray that people will come to know Christ and pray that we, the church, will do what we are called to do to share the Gospel so people will be saved. And once people are saved, they can begin to live out the truths God’s Word teach us about loving people and valuing life (Mark 12:29 – 31).
We also need to pray for the ending of legalized abortion. We must boldly speak up and speak out for those precious babies who cannot speak for themselves. And we need to repent for the bloodshed in our nation and cry out to God to pour out His healing on our land. This needs to become a high priority for the church today.
Because the holocausts of abortion have continued to happen on our watch. We need to have the will and the Holy Spirit empowered passion to do our part. With God’s help, we can end this.
Also, the church needs to make it a high priority to teach all of our children and adults the wisdom of God’s Word about loving people. And we need to teach the Ten Commandments. If the seed of the Word of God is planted in the hearts of people and our children, we would see the fruit in their lives. We would see more people who respect life and stand against murder in every way.
As we do this, I believe that we will see the tragedy of mass shootings diminish. Each form of respecting innocent life encourages the other. And I believe the ending of abortion will lead to the fading of mass shootings.
Let’s all pray. And let’s all learn and teach the wisdom of God’s Word that teaches us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, (Mark 12:31). Let us also faithfully live and teach the wisdom of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1 – 17). This is a task every single one of us can carry out.
We encourage and invite all believers to go to themoraloutcry.com and sign the petition. Let us, by God’s mercy, wisdom, grace, and power, end legalized abortion. Let’s help stop the murders on every front, abortion or mass shootings, from sea to shining sea.