I am still in awe of the grace, strength, and humility of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Unless you have been out of the country or joyfully fasting media for a while, I am sure you have read about and even viewed the horrible remarks made by comedian Michelle Wolf at the recent White House correspondents’ dinner.
Wolf shocked and disgusted everyone with her hateful tirade against all people and things conservative. But her remarks aimed at President Trump’s White House press secretary made even the most liberal journalists cringe.
Through each and every vile, purposely hurtful “joke,” Sanders endured with a beautiful and peaceful grace. Anyone else might have stood up and walked out, but Sanders smiled and took it all with quiet dignity. In fact, staff members close to Sanders said they tried to get her to leave, but she refused.
Instead, the whole world watched as Sanders demonstrated the strength and grace that come from Christ alone. Later, Sanders even commented that instead of being offended, she simply intended to pray for Michelle Wolf and wished her only happiness.
Admit it though. No one wants to be put on public display and torn apart piece-by-piece in front of the world. Yet, what was meant for evil against Sanders, God used as a way to let her true light shine.
Forget humiliation; Sarah Huckabee Sanders rocked it! And in the process, I think Sanders probably won quite a few new fans. After all, she endured and persevered through what most human beings fear the most – public humiliation.
I well remember fearing such humiliation when I first started teaching. I had nightmares of standing in front of my class and doing something outrageously embarrassing. I had heard veteran teachers talk of sneezing too much, losing an article of clothing, or falling off the chair. One colleague even told me of the day she wore a black shoe and a blue one simultaneously and was notified of her error by the hysterical laughter of her students.
Thankfully for me, throughout my 23 years of teaching, none of those nightmares were realized, but other smaller embarrassing mishaps occurred over and over.
The reality is that all of us, teachers and press secretaries alike, are human - very human. We all have feelings; we fear embarrassing ourselves and others, but, with the grace of Christ, we can handle things easier than our nightmares suggest. Sarah Huckabee Sanders sure did.
Sanders also demonstrated the difference between embarrassment and humility. I think embarrassment is a superficial pain; it lasts momentarily, like in the case of a vile comedian’s remarks. Granted, those moments can be replayed by our family and friends (or CNN) over and over throughout the years; but, nevertheless, embarrassment leaves only superficial scars.
Humility, on the other hand, is a deeper matter. And that is what we saw within Sanders
Humility comes from that land my grandmother called, “between a rock and a hard place.” And for those of us who have been there, like Sanders obviously has, Humility is a place where learning comes at a very high price. Plus, the lessons learned through humility are long-lasting, life-changing lessons learned in the deepest, darkest moments of existence.
Perhaps that is the purpose of humility - to remind us of the fragile nature of our fellow man. Humility also reminds us that ultimately we are all in the same boat, no matter our social, economic, or political background.
And after the correspondents’ dinner, the entire world saw that Sarah Huckabee Sanders lets Christ captain her boat. So much so, that her compassion for Wolf superseded her own hurt or anger. Such humility comes from only one source.
Yes, it was evident that Sanders has traveled through the land of Humility before. For in the land of Humility, nobody says, “Been there; done that; got the t-shirt.” Instead, after a journey through Humility, most people say, “Been there; done that; let me help you wash your t-shirt.”
And that is exactly what Sanders did, she took the worst Wolf had to give, and then she graciously turned around and offered the comedian her very best.
Sanders reminded us all what grace and humility look like. And as we watched her very public tour through the land of Humility, she also reminded us that God is a gracious tour guide.
He allows each of us the choice between humbling ourselves or being humbled. May we humbly vote for the first option. In fact, the Bible reminds us that when we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, He will lift us up.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders proved that.
James 4:10—Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.
I Peter 5:6--Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.