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Don’t Forget Christ in Christmas

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 @ 12:23 PM Don’t Forget Christ in Christmas Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

“Merry Christmas!” It’s that time of year again. Let the festivities begin! 

Oh, wait. … I forgot that it is not politically correct in our culture today to say the word Christmas. The word simply means a celebration (or a mass) of Christ, but it has become almost unacceptable to refer to this season as Christmas, even though our country was founded on the very Christian principles surrounding the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 

So, why is it so “offensive” to say Christ in any form whether it be Christmas tree, Christmas party, Christmas card, Christmas decorations, Christmas present, Christmas cookies, Christmas punch, Christmas stocking, Christmas lights, Christmas season or even Merry Christmas? Sadly, we are expected to replace the word Christmas with the word holiday because it is considered to be more inclusive. 

Such a notion is absolute and utter nonsense. 

I choose to keep Christ in Christmas, right where He belongs. And I choose to gladly proclaim Merry Christmas as loud and as long as I have breath. 

I do not say the words Merry Christmas in outrage or defiance of our society, a culture too afraid to stand for anything at all. Instead, I say those love-filled, blood-soaked, sacrificial words with all sincerity. 

I truly wish that every single person on earth could have a merry, joyful experience with our Christ. I pray that all mankind would celebrate the Christ of Christmas. For in doing so, we would actually celebrate the fact that God’s one and only Son came to earth in the form of man with one objective in mind – to die for us, redeeming our sinfulness with his sinlessness. And that is a cause for celebration, a reason to have a very merry Christmas

In fact, Christmas celebrates the greatest gift exchange ever given. Jesus traded His Heavenly home for our hellish world. He actually came to conquer sin, death, and the grave. And hallelujah, that is exactly what He did! 

Through Christ, we are forgiven and freed from our chains of humanity and all they entail. With Christ, we have innumerable reasons to rejoice – with the promise of eternal life at the center of that celebration. Mankind has nothing to celebrate without Christ

So, let’s say Merry Christmas loud and clear! 

In an effort to encourage you and others to take a stand for the Christian faith this season, AFA is offering our new "Keep Christ in Christmas" wristbands. These wristbands are great conversation starters and can be used to share the true meaning of Christmas with those who don't know Him. 

AFA president Tim Wildmon said: “By wearing and sharing the wristband, you are gently reminding everyone that God's gift to us on the first Christmas is the greatest gift of all!” 

Click here to order your "Keep Christ in Christmas" wristbands today!

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