![The Kingdoms of Light and Darkness](/media/230973/istock-599271802.jpg?cc=0,0.0652395514780836,0,0.017329255861365953&width=800&height=500&v=1d8702863851b20)
God is Light. In Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
“Your Word is Lamp to my feet and a Light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
The kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness – two kingdoms that are just as real as you and I. Every human being lives in and belongs to one kingdom or the other. You cannot be a part of both.
As believers, we need to clearly understand that once we are saved, we become citizens of the kingdom of light. This is God’s kingdom, and this is where the people of God, the church, are called to live and function. As we read and obey the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God, we walk and serve the Lord in the kingdom of light. Salvation through Christ, blessing, healing, strength, are all ours as we follow the Lord.
People who are not saved live and function in the kingdom of darkness. They are not a part of the church, the family of God. They don’t know or live by the Word of God. These persons, until they receive salvation, are living and functioning in the darkness of this world under the Devil’s authority.
Sometimes one may hear the testimony of a believer who shares about many things he or she did before coming to know Christ. The testimony typically may say of a young man “When I came to know the Lord, I gave up drinkin’ and smoking.’ I gave up drugs and chasin’ women (or men). I gave up staying out all night, partying, etc.
Such a testimony is both dramatic and powerful. Yet it’s important to know that the things that were given up are not “sacrifices.” These were all habits of darkness, habits or lifestyles that could actually kill you. Living in darkness won’t bless you. It will sooner or later destroy you.
When people live and function continually in darkness, it leads to a very sad sort of existence. It causes heartache, difficulty, trouble, loss, depression, hopelessness, and finally death. Yet that should be expected because the head of the kingdom of darkness is Satan. Remember, in John 10:10, we learn that his “job description” is “The thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy.”
The Enemy wants to steal as much as he can from you, and he wants to do all that he can to kill you or encourage you to destroy yourself. So the question is “Why in the world would anyone want to follow or cooperate with him? Yet sadly, many in the world follow him because they are blind, misled and deceived.
We live in a world that is largely under his influence in many ways – both overtly and subtly. The kingdom of darkness promotes a culture of death. Sadly, many people celebrate Halloween, not realizing that it promotes Satan, demons, and the kingdom of darkness. Believers definitely should not celebrate it.
The world is obsessed with death and themes that promote it. Tragically, witchcraft, and the Wiccan religion are celebrated by many. Voodoo, Ouija boards, horoscopes, psychic hotlines, palm readers, crystal balls – these all are demonic in nature and lead to destruction.
The undead of one stripe or another seem to dominate movies and T.V. Skull and crossbones décor are widespread as well. All are devices of Satan to promote a culture of death. And tragically we see in our culture an epidemic of murders, mass shootings, and abortions.
There are many reasons why horror movies should be avoided by everyone, especially believers. They are typically demonically inspired planting demonic thoughts and perspectives into people’s minds and hearts. They also plant seeds of fear. Some may say “Oh, I just watch them, but they don’t scare or affect me.” But the fear is there which gives evil an opportunity.
There is also no such thing as luck. There is blessing and cursing, light and darkness, but no such thing as luck. People sometimes rely on lucky charms or items to bless and protect them. Luck doesn’t exist. Some may seek to carry a “lucky” rabbit’s foot. How “lucky” can it be since the rabbit lost it?
God’s people must seek to live and dwell daily in the kingdom of light. How? By walking closely with the Lord daily. Read the Word of God every day (1 Timothy 3:16-17). Pray every day (Philippians 4:6). Live what you learn from the Word of God (James 1:22). These disciplines can help you to be faithful citizens of the kingdom of light (I John 2:5-7). Let’s stay away from darkness, and live in the Light.