The Bible-God’s precious written Word-is our cell phone to God. Believers can communicate with God-that is listen to and talk to God - as we read His Word and pray to Him according to His Word. It is really good to know and understand too that God will talk to each of us as much as we will listen. Do you wish to hear from God today? Do want a word from the Lord? Just open your Bible and read. You will hear,as you read, the voice of the God of the universe. And He is speaking right now to each of us in our own life and circumstances. So, as you read God’s Word and as your pray in line with God’s Word, we can be in continual communication with our Heavenly Father.
Answer your “phone” today. God is definitely calling you. Don’t put Him on hold. Don’t look at your caller ID and then say “ I don’t want to talk to God today” and refuse to answer it. Pick up your phone and listen to His voice. (In other words, open your Bible and read.) Spend time listening to your Heavenly Father as He speaks to you–sharing wisdom, counsel, guidance, understanding, direction for your life, etc.
God says to us in Jeremiah 33:3-“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
You should also spend time daily praying according to the Word of God. Pray according to the wisdom and insights of God’s Word. We are also wise to pray prayers found in the Word of God. The Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6:9–13, prayer for the Lord to bless our time reading the Word of God, Psalm 119:18, the prayer of Jabez,I Chronicles 4:9,10–are just a few of the prayers found in the Word of God.
Just how long and how much can I listen to God today on my “cell phone to God”? You can talk to Him as long as you want. He will talk to you and He will listen to your prayers as long as you listen and talk to Him. You might think “Isn’t God a bit busy to spend much time with me on the phone? I mean, doesn’t He need to be answering prayers and/or pouring out blessing somewhere on others about now? Doesn’t He have more important things to do than listen to and talk to me?
Don’t make this mistake. Too many times, we will tend to think that God is basically like us. Too often we have thought this way-that you can over load God. Not so! God can pay more attention to a million people at once, than you and I can pay attention to one single person. Well, one may ask, how can God do that? Well, we must always remember, God is God, and you and I are not. “Well doesn’t He get all those people and problems and concerns mixed up in His Head sometimes?” If you ask this question, I believe that you are getting God and us mixed up. God doesn’t get confused. People do. God doesn’t get mind over loads. People do. God is God, and we are not!
Believers should always be aware that when God is talking to us by His Word, He is not just giving or downloading information to us. God is also pouring Himself into us. God’s Word has anointing upon it. God’s Word is like a bottle of grace. You cannot earn grace, but you can certainly increase the flow of God’s grace into your life. One way we do that is through spending more time reading and meditating on
the Word of God. Another way is by spending time speaking the promises of God over you life regularly and consistently.
Do you ever have trouble sleeping at night? Don’t do something useless like count sheep-pick up your “phone” and call the Good Shepherd”. Most of the time, when you can’t sleep, what really is going on anyway is – God wants to spend time with you. Pick up the phone, and spend time talking to the Shepherd. Open your Bible and read–pray, talk to God. Often, you will probably fix the problem, because that’s what was going on anyway, - you were needing to spend time with the Shepherd.
Remember, God will talk to you as much as you will listen. Spend an hour reading Your Bible, and God will spend every moment of that time with you. You set the time limit on your “appointment”-that is the conversation–your talking time with God. Let me encourage you to take time today, to have an extended conversation with the Lord on your cell phone. And don’t worry. You will never run out of time. Also, you are never out of His geographic“range”.