The far Left, Big Tech, Hollywood, and other cultural giants have been fighting against a traditional understanding of manhood for many decades, and this has led to terrible results.
It wasn’t long after Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized homosexual marriage, that the transgender movement became mainstream. There was now cultural acceptance of men who claimed to be women. Soon, we began to have men playing women's sports in some parts of America.
Selina Soule, a female high school track star from the state of Connecticut, is one of many girls in her state who have lost opportunities to compete in world-class competition, in front of college coaches, and win titles - all because her state allows men to play in women sports.
The LGBTQ movement is on full assault to destroy anything that would distinguish the differences between males and females. But it isn’t just the feminization of men that is an issue.
Another way the culture is attacking masculinity is by fanning the flames of narcissism and self-centeredness. We see this in entertainment when it promotes women as objects of pleasure and when it promotes happiness over personal responsibility.
Many men forget the responsibilities in their lives as they indulge in materialism and self-gratification at the expense of those around them - such as their families. Tragically, this process almost always repeats itself from one generation to the next.
What is biblical masculinity?
The Bible teaches what it means to be a man and God’s design for masculinity.
First, there are distinct differences between male and female - physically and psychologically. This is not in any way a bad thing; God called His original creation, which included separate genders, “very good” (Genesis 1:31). With these differences, there is a strong unifier - men and women are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26–27). This makes every single human being valuable and worthy of respect.
Second, men are called to be the protectors of their families. This may mean physically, to the point of laying down his life (Ephesians 5:25). In the Bible, men are called to fight to protect their wives and children (Nehemiah 4:13–14); women are never called to do the same for their husbands. Men are also called to be the providers for their families. “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8). It’s also the husband's responsibility to be the spiritual leader of his family, which means he shoulders the responsibility for his family’s spiritual health (Ephesians 5:22-33).
Lastly, men are called to be faithful witnesses in their churches and communities. The role of leader, both within the church and within the local community, is also part of biblical manhood. Christ is the model for this type of leadership. A man is called to lead through love, service, and sacrifice. A man’s leadership in the church and his local community is meant to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church.
How can Christian men defend biblical masculinity?
Culturally, we must be prepared when our time comes to speak up against entertainment, education, the far Left, or even those “Christians” who have fallen away by promoting toxic masculinity or feminization as opposed to biblical masculinity.
Our days are numbered and we must not cower when God allows us to shed light and truth against the insanity that men can be women or the idea that there is no distinct difference between males and females. This may cost us a friend, our platform, or even our job. It cost David and Jason Benham their career, but God brought them through their trials and expanded their territory. It will take courage to defend biblical masculinity in our culture today.
The best example of biblical masculinity is Jesus. His example not only contests cultural attacks on masculinity but also shows how it’s possible to express biblical masculinity in a way that is attainable and positive to one’s self and those around them.
Jesus cared for the needs of others (John 6:5–13) and demonstrated compassion (Mark 1:40–41), sensitivity (Luke 10:38–42), forgiveness (Luke 7:44–50), and humility (John 13:1–16). At the same time, He exhibited bravery (Mark 11:15–18; Luke 22:39–46), righteous confrontation (Matthew 23:13–36), proper judgment (John 4:15–18), and self-control (Matthew 4:1–11). Jesus was unafraid to show His emotions (John 11:35), and yet He was also willing to chase crooks out of a temple with a whip (John 2:13–16).
There is no better defense against skeptics or mockers than to practice what you believe. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). It may sound elementary or oversimplified, but it silences our enemy when we practice what we preach (Titus 2:7-9). Of course, we will have our failures and setbacks, which are opportunities to point to the grace of God, but let this be a reminder for Christian men that we have a responsibility to defend masculinity. We must look to the example of Jesus Christ, prepare ourselves with courage, and be willing to reflect it and defend it.