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Join with other believers in praying for the nation of Israel

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 @ 09:10 AM Join with other believers in praying for the nation of Israel
Sign the “I Pray for Israel” pledge today

Like many Americans and especially Christians, I was glued to the television for the latest news from Israel over the weekend. As you know, Iran launched a direct military attack on the nation of Israel.

Of the more 300 drones and missiles launched with the intent to devastate the nation, all but a few were intercepted by the defenses of the U.S. military, Israeli Defense Forces, and the military of other countries in the area. The Associated Press reports a child was killed by a missile in southern Israel and a small building was partially damaged on an army base.

The Bible says Christians are to pray for the nation of Israel. Psalms 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” His promise in Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

My personal family, my church family, and our AFA family are praying for wisdom, courage, and unity in Israel so that this threat to the country’s existence can be dealt with swiftly.

I encourage you to join with other believers in praying for Israel. Pray for the safety of the families who are facing danger at the hands of their enemy and the enemy of God. Pray for the leadership of Israel, that God will grant them His wisdom in protecting their nation and people.

To help you pray, Pastor Joseph Parker, AFA Director of Outreach and Intercession, has provided a sample prayer for us to use in asking God to protect Israel.

Please let me know you are joining us by signing the “I Pray for Israel” pledge today.

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