Watch now for free our new, original, feature-length documentary from American Family Studios titled: In His Image: Delighting in God's Plan for Gender and Sexuality. This new film is expected to impact the cultural debate on gender and sexual orientation in America, a debate that has hit inside the church as well.
Three years ago, as AFA leadership discussed the sweeping changes involving the transgender movement in the nation, some recommended making a documentary on sex and gender. We hesitated. Making films is expensive and time consuming. We decided to continue hitting the topic in AFA Journal, on our American Family Radio talk network, and on our internet-based content platforms.
But the documentary idea would not go away. The more we prayed about and discussed it, the more it seemed AFS was supposed to tackle it. Meetings began in earnest to sketch out the details we wanted the documentary to include.
The theme that all persons are made in the image of God became settled in our discussion relatively early. We resolved that the film would handle the subject with truth and grace, without apology or compromise.
The film had to be compassionate if we wanted to engage with those who struggle with same-sex attraction or gender identity and others who advocate anti-biblical lifestyle choices. We wanted the movie to be a gospel-centric outreach to that audience as well as offer help and hope for their families and for pastors and church leaders who want to minister in this challenging arena.
Frequent prayer meetings, initiated by AFA senior vice president Buddy Smith, petitioned heaven for God's wisdom and grace. Periodic staff meetings ensured that In His Image was staying true to the original vision and, more importantly, to Scripture.
With your help, the preview has been played more than 128,000 times. Also, more than 8,000 have financially partnered with AFA to share the redemptive hope of the gospel presented in In His Image and will receive a DVD of the full film, which ships in November.
In His Image addresses extremely important questions like: "What does the Bible say about homosexuality and gender identity?" "Can you be gay and be a Christian?" "How should church members respond to members who are gay or facing challenges with their gender identity?"
The film has been bathed in prayer from its conception and is AFA's response to the confusion many are facing. AFA executive vice president Ed Vitagliano said, "In His Image is everything we'd hoped and prayed it would be. For years to come, we believe this important film will help countless, precious souls come to grips with God’s purpose for their sexuality and gender, and the divine love that will not let them go."
I invite you to commit to prayer with AFA that In His Image would have a massive impact in our nation and bring repentance, salvation, healing, and transformation to individuals who need it most.
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