The U.S. House of Representatives will be debating federal funding legislation next week. This debate will include the 12 appropriations bills that must annually pass to fund government programs like defense, agriculture, and education.
House Democrats have made clear their intentions to advance abortion and attack religious liberty. They will likely attempt to hijack the federal funding process next week to advance their radical agenda. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) recently made clear her vow to eliminate the Hyde Amendment that bans taxpayer funding of abortions.
Contact and urge your member of Congress to speak with boldness in opposition to any attempt to undermine the sanctity of life and religious liberty during these debates. Now is the time for courageousness, not silence or cowardice.
Also, the Democratic majority in the House will likely use the appropriations process to block many of the Trump administration’s policies including support for the sanctity of life, religious liberty, school choice, biological definition of sex in health care, campus free speech, and rights of conscience for health care workers.
Next week will be a telling week for how vocal House Republicans will be against the Democrats’ radical agenda during floor debate.
Let your representative know that you expect him or her to take a stand next week by being bold and vocal in fighting for life and religious liberty during the debate on the House floor.