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Protect yourself from TV filth in 2019

Thursday, January 03, 2019 @ 01:37 PM Protect yourself from TV filth in 2019
It's time to protect yourself from TV

In 1977, American Family Association was started to combat network television's growing negative influence on society. The mission was to encourage Christians to protect themselves and their families from the constant bombardment of sex, violence and profanity coming over the public airwaves.

Sadly, the four major television networks (ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX) are spewing more filth than ever before.

It's nearly impossible to find a clean, wholesome, family-friendly program on any of the networks. In fact, the current network offerings are obsessed with pushing an agenda that is insulting to Christian families and often presents sin as casual and acceptable.

For example, just this week, NBC broadcast one of the most offensive and sexually repulsive segments ever during its New Year's Eve coverage. The subject is so disgusting that I can't even mention the content in this email. Just so you know how bad it is, here's the coverage from

Even the networks' commercials are promoting lifestyles that are in complete conflict with God's word. AT&T has just released a new ad promotion that features two homosexual men hiring a babysitter to watch "their children" so they can go on a date.

It's time to protect yourself from TV
Network television has become a vast wasteland of evil and wickedness. It is a present-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

In response, thousands of Christian families are adopting Psalm 101:3 as the new standard in their homes: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.

They are choosing to honor God by restricting what is shown in their homes or even turning off the TV altogether and focusing on those things that draw them closer to the Savior.

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