During the week of August 12-16, American Family Association and Revival Fires International will host the 19th annual "Truth For Youth" Week across the nation.
This year, with your help, we will reach the milestone of ONE MILLION BIBLES given away through the American Family Association and Revival Fires partnership.
In a very effective and unique evangelism outreach, a "Truth For Youth" Bible (TFY), will be given to all teenagers who commit to give the Bibles to their unsaved friends in school. Get your free Bible here.
The TFY Bible consists of the New Testament in the God's Word translation, along with 100 pages of powerful full color comic stories that are packed with "absolute truth" regarding issues young people are faced with. God's wonderful plan of salvation is incorporated into each of the stories
The Truth for Youth is now also available in Spanish!
Student's Legal Rights on Public School Campuses are displayed on the back cover of the TFY to inform school administrators and young people that they have the right to give Bibles away on campus during non-instructional time.
Over the past 20 years, Revival Fires has received more than 25,000 decision coupons, emails or letters, confirming a teen has accepted Christ through these evangelistic efforts!
During 'The Truth For Youth" week you can help make reaching the 53.8 million youth in America's public schools with "the truth" of God's Word, a reality. To receive a free copy of the 'Truth For Youth" to give away in school or to purchase multiple copies you may go to http://revivalfires.org/free/ or call 1-800-733-4737 (between 8AM and 4:30PM CST).
(Limit: One Bible per teenager in each home. Additional copies may be purchased for a special discounted price of only $3.00 each.
Thank you in advance for helping share the Gospel of Christ through Truth For Youth.