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What Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has done in his state affects our entire nation

Monday, January 08, 2024 @ 04:33 PM What Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has done in his state affects our entire nation
It’s time to stop the madness in Ohio from spreading to other states. You can help!

It’s time to stop the madness in Ohio from spreading to other states. You can help!

One of the bright spots in 2023 for the state of Ohio was the passage of important legislation to stop the radical transgender agenda that is hurting children and destroying parental rights. Passed with 47 House sponsors and 10 Senate sponsors, HB 68 enacts commonsense safeguards to protect Ohio kids – safeguards that almost half the states in America have already enacted.

Unfortunately, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has taken it upon himself to veto the bill and defy the clear will of the people of his state who want to protect children and women’s sports.

First, HB 68 prevents transgender boys from dominating girls’ sports. Twenty-three other states have already passed such protections, along with the U.S. House of Representatives. Yet, it was vetoed by Gov. Mike DeWine.

It’s unbelievable that this governor would reject common-sense legislation that protects girls from male athletes in locker rooms and showers.

Second, HB 68 protects children from experimental sex-change procedures and hormonal treatments. The effects of these experimental procedures on children are so dangerous that 22 other states have banned them.

Yet, Gov. DeWine vetoed HB 68, agreeing with the mind-boggling idea that the irreversible mutilation of children’s bodies is worthy of his support.

Here’s where you can help! The Ohio Legislature meets on January 10 for a veto override session.

HB 68 passed by a vote of 62 to 27 in the Ohio House and 24 to 8 in the Ohio Senate. That means the radical woke activists and the big-money transgender medical corporations are focused on peeling away 3 House votes and 5 Senate votes. … All they need are 8 lawmakers to vote against the veto override – or just not show up for the vote on January 10.

That is why you must make your voice heard by signing our petition to Ohio’s elected legislators.

As a nation, let’s encourage them to override Gov. DeWine’s veto of HB 68. The science is clear. Sex-change procedures for kids do not meet the medical standard of care for children. Such treatments are experimental and unsafe. In addition, the research shows that transgender interventions actually INCREASE the youth suicide rate.

Also, it’s unfair to allow boys to compete on girls’ sports teams. Biological males possess an inherent physical advantage over girls that no amount of experimental hormone therapy can undo. Girls deserve equal opportunities to play and to earn college scholarships. I am counting on you to win this fight for Ohio’s children.

Sign our petition now! What happens in Ohio affects our entire nation.

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