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Good news! Biden FCC nominee withdrawn

Tuesday, March 07, 2023 @ 09:21 PM Good news! Biden FCC nominee withdrawn
You helped defeat the nomination of Gigi Sohn

As recently as last week I warned you about Gigi Sohn, a Biden nominee for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC, which is governed by five commissioners, is a powerful independent agency with far-reaching regulatory powers over radio and television.

Sohn is known as a radical lesbian who I feared would use the position to try to silence American Family Radio and American Family News for expressing its biblical views on marriage and human sexuality.

I have good news to report. Gigi Sohn has withdrawn her nomination. This is, in part, because of thousands of AFA activists writing and calling the Biden administration urging them to pull her nomination.

For the time being, religious and other forms of free speech on radio, television, cable, and satellite are protected because you helped defeat the nomination of Gigi Sohn.

See our original action alert on this nomination by clicking here.

From American Family News: First Amendment safer after Sohn gives up


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