The radical agenda of President Joe Biden and the liberal left is very clear…they want to pack the United States Supreme Court by increasing the number of justices from nine members to 13. Through shady legislation and unethical maneuvering, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and other Democratic operatives will force U.S. citizens to abide by their tyrannical authority and policies.
In 1983, then-Senator Joe Biden called court-packing a "bonehead idea." In 2005, he said eliminating the filibuster for political convenience would gut the "core of what the Senate is about as an institution."
But now, Biden and his far-left pals have an unquenchable thirst for power and control. And they will stop at nothing to get it.
Contact your members of Congress now!
With a rigged Court, they'll have a majority of justices, sure to rubber-stamp radical legislation that will fundamentally change America and ravage the Constitution.
This attack on the most fundamental tenets of separation of powers in our government must be stopped. Right now, the only thing standing between complete tyranny and freedom is the Supreme Court.
Those on the radical left who want to destroy America currently control the executive and legislative branches of government. They must not be allowed to gain control of the judiciary.
Contact your members of Congress now! We have prepared an email that will be delivered directly to your representative and senators.
Our friends at First Liberty Institute have prepared a short but very concise video exposing this attempted coup of the Supreme Court. You can watch it here.