Last Friday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sent a letter to the Department of Justice, asking U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate Netflix for the distribution of child pornography after it aired the full-length movie Cuties to subscribers in the United States.
In Sen. Cruz's letter to General Barr, he wrote, "Netflix is currently hosting a film entitled Cuties that sexualizes young girls, including dance scenes that simulate sexual activities and a scene exposing a minor’s bare breast."
Send an email letter to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, joining AFA and Senator Cruz in asking him to investigate Netflix for the distribution of child pornography.
In Sen. Cruz's letter to General Barr, he wrote, "Netflix is currently hosting a film entitled Cuties that sexualizes young girls, including dance scenes that simulate sexual activities and a scene exposing a minor’s bare breast."
Send an email letter to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, joining AFA and Senator Cruz in asking him to investigate Netflix for the distribution of child pornography.
Over the past month, an AFA petition pressed Netflix to cancel its plans to air the movie. Nearly 61,000 have signed the petition.
It is the responsibility of the Department of Justice to enforce federal criminal law which makes it illegal to produce or distribute material involving the sexual exploitation of minors, which would include the filming of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
As Sen. Cruz correctly stated in his letter, "Although the First Amendment provides vigorous protection for artistic expression, it does not allow individuals or for-profit corporations to produce or distribute child pornography."
Take Action
We agree with Sen. Cruz that Netflix should be investigated and held accountable for crossing the line with its distribution of Cuties.
Send an email letter to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, joining AFA and Senator Cruz in asking him to investigate Netflix for the distribution of child pornography.
A copy of your email letter will also be sent to your U.S. Representative and both senators, letting them know you appreciate elected officials who will protect children by asking that Netflix be investigated for possible violation of Federal law.