October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. In the midst of falling autumn leaves, cool breezes, crisp blue skies, pumpkins, and mums, watch for large winding groups of people in pink who are walking or running to show their gratitude for breast cancer survival and their support for advances in medical research.
Who doesn’t want to celebrate those who have survived breast cancer? Who doesn’t want to see a cure?
As October draws near, you may become moved to help fund breast cancer research. Maybe you’ve been giving, walking, or running to show your support for a number of years. The cause is good. Why not?
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women ages 20 to 59. Far too many women face the frightening diagnosis and find themselves entering a fierce battle to break through cancer’s tightening clamps.
Many of you are aware that Susan G. Komen Foundation, a leading nonprofit organization that raises funds to facilitate a cure for breast cancer, has known ties to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country. Lest we forget, let’s revisit the perplexing state of affairs.
Although pervasively ignored and hidden, many thorough and legitimate studies have shown a certain link between abortion and breast cancer. For more information on this subject, read this story in the June 2016 issue of AFA Journal and watch Hush, a fascinating, award-winning documentary directed by a pro-choice feminist who was confounded by what she uncovered.
Why on God’s green earth would a foundation that seeks to cure breast cancer give money to an organization that increases the risk of breast cancer?
I wanted the inside story, so I asked Eve Silver who served on the National Hispanic Latina Advisory Council of Komen from 2001 to 2005. She generously shared with me the details in her story of discovery.
While she was devoting a large chunk of her life to the work of Komen, sincerely trying to help minorities and underserved women in general, she received an email from a colleague asking, “Did you know the Komen Foundation funds Planned Parenthood?"
She doubted there was truth to the claim, but she addressed it immediately. Whether it was rumor or true, she wanted the answer. So she went straight to the powers that be.
The response she received was something like this: “Just ignore it – sometimes people say crazy things; don't give it a second thought.”
But Silver was not easily dissuaded. She continued to investigate.
“I didn't want it to be a hearsay and turn out to be wrong,” she explained. She researched everything she could get her hands on. A number of seemingly random stories, when put together, definitely pointed to the likelihood of a link. But, still, her findings were inconclusive.
In 2004, Komen was rebranding – sorting through their efforts and looking for a fresh outlook and corresponding image. Silver saw it as a perfect time to do some more uncovering.
“I spoke with one of the leaders at Komen,” said Silver, “and I asked again about their linkage to PP." This time, she was told they were funding mammography at PP.
Startled by the makeshift admission, Silver responded:
I don't see why a life-affirming breast cancer organization would have anything to do with an organization that kills people. If you are rebranding, this would be a good spot to end your relationship.
PP has its abortuaries in the same neighborhoods as the people they are targeting – Black women, Latino women, college students. I want to represent the underserved. I’m not here to help PP hurt them. I know an awful lot about PP, and I thought I knew an awful lot about you. It turns out I don't. So, I'm going to resign.
To be clear, claims that PP provides mammography have been debunked for years. At a congressional hearing on September 29, 2015, PP CEO Cecile Richards was clear in her admission that the organization does not offer mammograms or have mammogram machines in its clinics.
But let’s get back to the original question: Why? Why would Komen financially support PP?
According to Silver, it’s all about the money. And minorities are paying the price. Seventy-nine percent of PP facilities are in minority communities. A black woman is five times as likely to have an abortion, and a Hispanic woman is twice as likely. PP Founder Margaret Sanger would be proud.
“There will continue to be a pink money cycle scooting around through the nation as long as people place their trust in Komen,” said Silver. “Komen and Planned Parenthood are single-minded and set on an ideology of death.”
This October, resist the clever, feathery, pink marketing strategies, and remember that these organizations are floating in the blood of innocent babies.
Find an alternative, life-affirming organization legitimately fighting to save lives.
Silver recommends the following: