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The Trump Agenda Is Dying a Slow Death

Thursday, September 07, 2017 @ 12:10 PM The Trump Agenda Is Dying a Slow Death Walker Wildmon Vice President MORE

With the exception of about 40 members in the House and a handful (literally) in the Senate, Congress is full of phony Republican politicians who will do anything to maintain power. The House Freedom Caucus is full of genuine conservatives and the Senate has Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and a few other true conservatives. Up until January 20, 2017 Republicans had been able to hide behind a Democrat president’s veto pen. They passed legislation that defunded Planned Parenthood and repealed Obamacare but only because they knew it would be vetoed.  Now they can’t do either despite controlling the legislative and executive branches.

Clearly, Republican politicians are disingenuous (phony).

Not only has the Republican majority in Congress failed to repeal Obamacare now that President Trump occupies the Oval Office, they continually fail to deliver on the president's signature campaign promise; the wall. Look at some statements made by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. According to the Washington Times, in mid-November of last year “Mr. McCarthy said he helped put a team in place ‘so when we’re sworn in…we are able to move the legislation needed to start building the wall.’” In May, Republicans passed a spending measure that failed to fund President Trump’s border wall. Now, the September budget deadline is approaching and Mr. McCarthy has admitted that once again Republicans will not fight for border wall funding. According to Politico, McCarthy recently said “We've got a lot of busy things happening here. We have to deal with Harvey, we have the debt ceiling, we have a continuing resolution, which will be just about a three month continuing resolution. So you will deal with the wall a little later in the year.”

A day after McCarthy admitted he wouldn’t fight for border wall funding, President Trump decided to partner with Democrats to pass a bill that funds the government through December. This bill will presumably not fund any of the president’s campaign promises and most importantly it will not fund construction for a border wall.

It seems to me that President Trump genuinely believed he would get a border wall built under his administration. It appears that he has assumed his role as Commander-in-Chief and decided the fight isn’t for him. In recent months the president has talked tough on whether his border wall will be built. As recently as last month, President Trump told a crowd in Arizona that he might shut down the government in order to force Congress to allocate money for the border wall. What happened to that tough talk?

The phony Republicans, like Kevin McCarthy, campaigned on building a border wall while knowing good and well that they have no intention to actually fight for funding it. This is outright deception orchestrated by the Republican politicians. Don’t promise that which you know will never get done.

The days of excuses for Washington crony politicians are over. America put Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans in Congress because we wanted a border wall. If you can’t get this done, go home. American families are hurting because sheltered politicians allow illegal aliens to take our wages. Not to mention the thousands of American citizens who have lost their lives at the hands of drug cartels and violent criminal aliens.

Republican politicians have created an environment where the American electorate vehemently despises them. President Trump seems to have joined the political class in Washington by not following through on his own campaign promises. It is rather embarrassing that the leader of the free world can’t get Republicans in Congress to fund his agenda. The reason they won’t fund his agenda is because they don’t believe in it. Most Republicans don’t want to build a border wall. President Trump is up against the swamp which includes Republican elites. As I've said before, Mr. Trump should use his veto pen as leverage in getting border wall funding. The president appears unwilling to use this leverage in the budget negotiations.

It is unfortunate that is has come to this but from what I can see, the swamp has gotten the best of President Trump. Rather than using the power of his office to bully Congress into submission, Congress has bullied Mr. Trump into capitulation.

For the past few months, many of us have been at war with the Republican Party in an attempt to pressure them to support President Trump’s agenda. It is beginning to look like we might be going to war with the president also. This is unfortunate, but this is reality. I will not continue to give unwavering support for the president if he is unwilling to fight for the American people who voted him into office.

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