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Tell #FakeNewsCNN to Stop Putting AFA in Danger

Thursday, August 17, 2017 @ 02:36 PM Tell #FakeNewsCNN to Stop Putting AFA in Danger Tim Wildmon President MORE

This week, CNN listed the American Family Association as a "hate group" in a sham news article that could easily incite violence and place AFA employees and supporters in harm's way. CNN has since issued a correction and removed AFA by name off their website. Instead, CNN links to the Southern Poverty Law Center website which falsely lists AFA as a "hate group."

AFA is urging CNN to stop using the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a source when reporting real news. The SPLC is a radical organization whose hateful rhetoric was implicated in a 2012 shooting at the Family Research Council's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Today, we need your support to sustain our efforts in this important and lengthy battle.

By citing the SPLC, CNN underscores why many Americans don't trust it for honest reporting. The SPLC has been widely discredited over the years because of its false labeling of Christian organizations as "hate groups." In fact, even the liberal Obama Department of Justice quietly reprimanded SPLC and its attorneys because their conduct "overstepped the bounds of zealous advocacy and was unprofessional."

Many remember when the SPLC placed world renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, on an "extremist" watch list. Why did they do this? Because Dr. Carson believes that marriage is between one man and one woman.

CNN knows SPLC materials are specifically anti-Christian and falsely label many faith-based organizations like American Family Association because we take a strong stand defending natural marriage and resisting the aggressive, radical, homosexual agenda.

CNN should stop using SPLC's discredited "hate" list immediately. Add your voice to ours!

Join with AFA by signing our petition to CNN, urging it to stop using Southern Poverty Law Center as a source.

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