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Compassionate Truth Tellers

Thursday, September 05, 2024 @ 12:23 PM Compassionate Truth Tellers Jeff Chamblee The Stand Radio MORE

Sometimes the gap between the cultural revolutionaries and the traditionalists is so large that it can be hard to distinguish those on the right, who are followers of Jesus, and the non-religious social conservatives who hold to a similar view of the world. Both groups believe in the rule of law, one-man-one-woman marriage, and the right to life. However, only Christians speak can speak truthfully about these things with compassion because they know that lost souls desperately need Christ, who IS the truth.

Dr. Alex McFarland was my guest recently on The Stand Radio to talk about the battle of worldviews and the opportunities believers have to demonstrate love by speaking the truth. As we talked about the decades old battle over key aspects of Western Civilization, such as family structure, personal accountability, and morality, he also touched on the Christian distinctives between biblical love and modern tolerance. He referenced St. Augustine’s definition of love as seeking the highest good of another, which in the Christian context means leading others to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

One moment in my discussion with Alex McFarland that stood out was his practical advice on how believers can be salt and light through social media. He very candidly shared of his experiences working with teens and young adults and how barriers to the truths of Scripture can be overcome by focusing on the joy and promises found only in Christ. While we should never be afraid to proclaim truth, he believes that drawing attention to our hope in Christ can resonate deeply with a lost world held captive by the world’s deception.

I hope you will listen to my interview with Alex and put some of his advice into practice in your next social interaction with others. Then, check out his article, “The Tolerance Lie” on The Stand .

Click HERE for Dr. McFarland’s website.

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