May 2024

AFA is fighting back with the launch of what we hope to be one 
of the most practical and effective initiatives we have ever undertaken. And I want you to be among the first to take an early look at this work in progress.

Am I dreaming, or are we actually living under a totalitarian regime that takes minor children from parents who oppose “gender transition services?”

It’s hard to tell the difference when I read what happened in January to a Montana family.

“They showed up at our home to serve us with papers to take [our daughter] out of our care,” the mother of the 14-year-old said. “They told me the reason was that we were ‘unable or refusing to provide medical care.’ That’s just not true.”

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The real reason, according to the parents, was that they opposed their daughter’s desire to “transition” herself into a boy.

“We were told that letting [her] transition and live as a boy was in her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and because we aren’t willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS (Child and Family Services) custody of [our daughter] for six months,” the mother told a news outlet. “Our family has been destroyed by this,” she said.

The Montana family’s tragedy is only one of many mind-numbing stories reported in recent months that demonstrate that the once-enduring values of American society have been turned on their heads. For example:

▶ A school district in Arizona, which includes some 55,000 children, was caught embracing and encouraging the “transgender identity” of students and purposefully keeping their parents in the dark.

▶ A Rasmussen Reports poll in December revealed that, of likely voters in the U.S., 40% of those identifying as Democrats would support removing statues of George Washington.

▶ The troubling results of a recent survey found that 31% of Americans – with similar percentages of Republicans and Democrats – think the First Amendment “goes too far” in protecting speech deemed offensive, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. More than half (52%) of all respondents said their community should not allow anyone to speak publicly if the person is saying something others deem personally offensive.

America’s moral, patriotic, and political compass is spinning out of control, but it didn’t happen overnight – and fixing it won’t either.

The Marxists, sexual radicals, and God-haters have been working for over a half-century to dismantle our republic, jettison the Constitution, and destroy the Christian church.

But AFA is fighting back with the launch of what we hope to be one
of the most practical and effective initiatives we have ever undertaken. And I want you to be among the first to take an early look at this work in progress.

But first, let me reiterate something I have said many times: We know that only a move of God can save America because so many people – even in our churches – seem blind to the grave spiritual dangers that threaten the nation.

Believe me, that’s why here at AFA we pray constantly for another Great Awakening. Yet, while praying, we also labor according to His great power, which works within us according to His purposes (Colossians 1:29).

Therefore, I am excited to introduce you to Activate. This new biblical worldview curriculum is an expression of AFA’s long-term commitment to training Christians to live as salt and light in a decaying culture.

Activate is an in-depth worldview training course designed to provide Christians with instruction on core biblical principles regarding the sanctity of human life, marriage and family, religious liberty, stewardship, and much more.

The Activate video curriculum, soon to be available at, contains 18 sessions and features 12 instructors, including:

▶ Abraham Hamilton III, AFA general counsel and host of The Hamilton Corner on American Family Radio (AFR)

▶ Rick Green, founder of Patriot Academy and co-host of AFA At The Core on AFR

▶ Rob West, CEO of Kingdom Advisors and host of Faith and Finance on AFR

▶ Stephen McDowell, co-founder and president of the Providence Foundation

A sampling of the issues covered in the curriculum are as follows:

▶ The war against biblical authority

▶ A case for Christian activism

▶ Raising godly children in a pagan culture

▶ A biblical view of finances and capitalism

A printed workbook filled with accountability challenges, memory verses, and discussion questions is being developed. In addition, the curriculum will include one-year access to online educational resources.

Those who complete the full course will be awarded an Activate Cultural Transformation Certificate at a graduation event at the Don Wildmon Center for Cultural Transformation on the AFA campus. This event will include not only the graduation ceremony, but other recognitions for the graduates.

The official launch date for the full curriculum is June 30.

However, in appreciation for your generous gift, I want to send you
a sample session on DVD so you can experience the value
of our new worldview training course.

In the sample session titled Biblical Roles for Husbands and Wives, Jeff and Debbie Schreve tackle the following questions: Are “gender roles” just a man-made construct? Is the idea that men should be protectors and women nurturers an antiquated, chauvinistic way of thinking? What does the Bible say?

I encourage you to make it a priority to watch the sample session and consider enrolling in Activate.

Wouldn’t that be a profitable way to make the most of the summer months?

I have to give credit where credit is due: The creation of Activate is the vision of my son, Wesley, who oversees AFA’s outreach and donor support efforts. AFA supporters have often expressed to Wesley the need for worldview training to help them articulate and stand firm on the critical moral issues that face our culture.

In response, Wesley and our team of filmmakers at American Family Studios have been planning and developing Activate for two years.

Please pray for and support this effort that could equip
many to become active world changers.

And, of course, that’s what AFA is all about – changing the direction of our great nation back to one that honors God, which was our founders’ intent.

Thank you for all the ways you have contributed to that effort in the past and for your faithful support going forward. 

About Tim Wildmon

Tim Wildmon is President of American Family Association and American Family Radio. AFA is a national organization that advocates for the biblical teaching on morality and values. Tim host a daily program on AFR’s 180+ stations. He has appeared many times on all the major television networks including the Fox News Channel and CNN. He has written for USA Today, Focus on the Family and several other national publications

Tim joined AFA in 1986. He has been married to his wife Alison since 1984, lives in Tupelo, Mississippi, and has three children and seven grandchildren. He is a graduate of Mississippi State University with a degree in journalism