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Practicing Love Outweighs Shouts of Love

Wednesday, May 01, 2024 @ 08:52 AM Practicing Love Outweighs Shouts of Love Don Wildmon Founder MORE

In the latest episode of "It's My Turn," Bro Don Wildmon shares a story that delves deep into the heart of what it means to love and to be loved. The podcast begins with a son's candid confession of his discomfort with death and funerals—a sentiment rooted in a childhood trauma. However, as he confronts the death of his father, he finds himself in a profound learning experience, one that unfolds in the quiet, somber space of a funeral home.

As the son stands before his father's casket, he is struck by the detachment he feels from the lifeless figure that lies before him. This man, once full of life and laughter, has left behind a legacy of joy but also of struggle, mirrored in the stacks of unpaid bills and the memories of his carefree spirit. The son's narrative takes an unexpected turn when he witnesses his mother's final farewell to her husband. Her gentle kiss and whispered promise to see him again was a testament to a love that transcends life itself.

Bro. Don masterfully guides us through this intimate moment, inviting listeners to reflect on the true essence of love—the kind that endures the trials of life without seeking recognition or reward.

This is not just a story about a family coping with loss; it is a commentary on the state of love and marriage in our society. It will challenge you to consider the strength required to uphold the vows of "for better, for worse" in a world that often forgets the value of steadfast commitment.

There are silent heroes among us, those who, like the mother in the story, embody the genuine love that keeps our society intact.

These are the individuals who, without fanfare or acclaim, practice the very essence of what many only preach.

Click HERE to listen to the podcast or click below to listen on YouTube.

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